Thursday 22 October 2015


Five men were yesterday arraigned before an Abuja Federal High Court for the October 2 bomb explosions in Nyanya and Kuje. One of them, Abdulwaheed Nasir (23) pleaded guilty to being in possession of 12 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and other materials used for making the bomb.
Nasiru  was arraigned with Abdulazeez Muhazab (26), Ishiaka Salihu (25), Mohammed Jimoh (33) and Abdullahi Nasiru (34). The others pleaded not guilty to the five-counts charge against them.
Nasiru, who spoke in pidgin English when the charge was read to him, pleaded guilty to the fourth count, which relates to being in possession of 12 IEDs and materials used for manufacturing them.
The charge was interpreted, many times to Nasiru and the fifth accused person, ‎Abdullahi, in pidgin English.
Nasiru pleaded not guilty to the first three counts of conspiracy and the carrying out of the bombings, but when the fourth count was interpreted to him, he pleaded guilty but said the items found on him belonged to his friend.
I’m guilty, but no be me get am, na my friend get am,” Nasiru said in pidgin English.
Following his guilty plea, his lawyer, Nurein Sulyman, rose and sought the court’s permission to speak with his client. He approached the dock (where Nasiru stood with others) and asked him if he truly understood what he said.
Nasiru maintained that he was guilty of the charge of the possession of the IEDs and the other materials.
The five men were accused of conspiring to bomb Kuje town and Jikoyi park in Nyanya on October 2. Their action, it was alleged, resulted in “the death of scores of innocent citizens; the injury of many others and the destruction of  properties, “ contrary to Sections 17 and 2(a) of the Terrorism (Prevention) Act 2013”.

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