Monday 13 July 2015


A Bomb explosion that would have taken the life of many Nigerians was averted by a security guard on sunday in pleatue state. The ECWA church which was filled with Worshiers had a bomb planted at the Entrance. The guard spoted, picked up and threw the bomb which exploded instantly.Although  no one was killed from the explosion, the guard sustained injuries on the leg and is currently being treated, a worshipper said.
     Another explosive device that was planted in the rest room of the church was discorverd by the  police anti bomb squard said another witness.
   The ECWA church in tudunwa is located near the federal secetariat in jos, jos north local goverment area of plateau state.
   Meanwile the police spokesman in pleatue, Abuh Emmanuel  confermed that no life was lost in the explosion  and that expersts were deployed to the scene To ascertain those who planted the explosive device, and possibly the manufacturers.
   This explosion occured just only after 1 week  after a similar explosion At a redeemed church in Yobe state, which unfortunately clamed many lives.

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