Thursday 30 July 2015

Photos from Joke Silva's mum's funeral


Hip-hop mogul, DR DRE to release new album August 1, says Ice Cube

RappIce Cube has disclosed that Dr Dre’s plans to release a new album on August 1.
Rapper Ice Cube has disclosed that Dr Dre’s plans to release a new album on August 1.
In an interview with Philadelphia’s Power 99 radio station, Ice Cube spoke at length about Dre’s upcoming NWA biopic filmStraight Outta Compton and made it clear that the new music from Dr. Dre was inspired by the film about his former hip hop group.
 "Actually Dre is dropping an album inspired by Compton," Ice Cube told the audience. "He’s dropping something on August 1st. It’s mega. It’s Dr Dre. It’s what everyone’s been waiting for. It’s definitely a dope record. And he’s dropping it all on the same day. It’s crazy." 
Fans are also eager for confirmation of an NWA reunion tour to support the film’s release, following rumours they would reform for live promotional dates with Eminem as an honorary member

Despite representatives for both Dr. Dre and Eminem denying plans for any tour dates, Ice Cube commented on the possibility of a new tour, adding, "it’s definitely, definitely possible."
Dre's former hip-hop group NWA formed in 1986 and disbanded in 1991. Its members included Dre, Ice Cube, MC Ren, DJ Yella and Eazy-E. Eazy-E passed away in 1995.
Dr. Dre has gone on to establish himself as a prolific hip hop producer and entrepreneur, working with Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar and more. Despite multiple grammy Awards and numerous guest spots and production credits, he has only released two studio albums under his own name, 'The Chronic' (1992) and '2001' (1999).

NICKI MINAJ hits 30m followers on IG, marks milestone with stunning photo

American rapperNicki Minaj, just hit a major milestone in the form of 30m followers on Instagram.The excited rapper shared a sexy selfie, rocking an ash two-piece.
Minaj put some serious cleavage on display in her sexy new photo.
Just like Kylie JennerMinaj are among the few celebrities to have gotten that muchfollowers on Instagram.

'Lack of sufficient sleep is as bad as being drunk' - Oxford neuroscientist

Not getting enough sleep can be dangerous to health, and there has been a call to frown on the habit.
This is according to Prof Russell Foster, a neuroscientist from the University of Oxford.
Foster's comments come on the heels of studies which suggest that working night shifts speeds up the ageing process, and is linked to increasing risks of cancer, heart disease and type two diabetes.
He therefore called for a change in attitudes towards getting an early night.
According to Foster,
“There certainly is a culture of, well I only had five hours of sleep last night how fantastic am I? In fact, we should be looking down on those sort of things - in the same way that we frown upon smoking I think we should start to frown upon not taking our sleep seriously.”
Foster raised concern that sleep deprivation could cause risks not just in jobs such as healthcare and transport, where dangers were obvious, but also could damage the quality of crucial decisions.
He added that lack of sleep damages a whole host of skills - empathy, processing information, ability to handle people as well as leads to overly impulsive, impaired thinking, because of this problem.
Foster said many of those who rise before dawn were unaware of just how badly it could affect the functioning of their brain.
Said Foster,
“At four o clock in the morning our ability to process information is similar to the amount of alcohol that would make us legally drunk – as bad as if we had a few whiskies or beers,”
He said overall lack of rest was enough to cause lack of attention, accidental “microsleeps”  such as dozing off at the wheel - as well as reduced ability to process thoughts.
According to Telegraph, last year French research showed the brains of workers who had done night shifts for about 10 years had aged by an extra 6 and a half years.
Study participants in the University of Toulouse, found they had lower scores for memory, processing speed and overall brain function than those working normal office hours.
Lack of sleep has been linked with factors such as disrupted metabolism and raised levels of the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol, all of which may lead to higher blood pressure and increased stroke risk.


Like it or not, most men with pot belly crave a flat and sexy stomach. besides being unattractive  it has been proven to be detrimental to your health. the above gave me reasons to have a little research on it.
Gone are the days when excess belly fat or 'pot belly' was regarded as a sign of good living.
In recent times, health experts have spoken on the dangers of 'pot belly', citing cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes as some of the possible health risks associated with this condition.
Excess belly fat is often triggered by fatty, sugary and calorie filled foods and snacks. Lack of exercise and genetics, in some cases, have also been identified as possible causes of having a pot belly.
With these potential health risks, getting rid of a pot belly has never been more crucial. Here are healthy steps to get rid of excess belly fat.
  • Adopt a holistic approach of diet and exercise. It's important to eat healthy as diet is usually a culprit of excess belly fat. Cut down the excess fatty food and also exercise daily.
  • The older one gets, the slower metabolism gets and less calories are burnt. Thus it's advisable to cut down carbohydrates and focus on proteins and plant-based fruits like pawpaw, watermelon and vegetables like legumes and pumpkin leaf which are rich in minerals and vitamins.
  • Fatty meats like organ meat are a NO NO. Rather, opt for white meat like fish and poultry. They should also be eaten without the skin and grill to reduce fat from frying.
  • Aerobic exercises such as walking, running, swimming and jogging are great for fighting excess belly fat.
  • Regularly detox the system by sipping lemon or lime juice in hot water daily, as they invigorate the liver and help to liquefy fat, which aids in flushing it from the system more quickly.
  • Water is every human being's best friend, moreso for those trying to lose excess belly fat. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins, aid digestion and prevent dehydration as mild dehydration can cause the kidneys strain the liver for help. This, in turn can  reduce the liver’s ability to burn fat, thus leading to fat deposits often in the belly.


Over time, several studies have suggested that semen has some effect on females including helping to fight depression.
Now, a new study conducted by a team from the University ofEast Anglia has found that male semen can affect the genes and behaviour of females in several ways.
According to the group's findings, male fruit flies selectively alter the chemical make-up of their seminal fluid, and when around rivals, the males produce more seminal proteins.
Also, the scientists found that one of the proteins is a ‘master regulator’ of genes, thus females exposed to it showed a wide range of changes in gene expression - which is the process by which specific genes are activated to produce a required protein to help the body function.
Said proteins go on to perform essential functions as enzymes, hormones and receptors.
Describing the find as surprising, study leader Tracey Chapman, Professor of Evolutionary Genetics said "it's a sophisticated response to the social and sexual situation.”
The research was presented earlier this month at the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution conference in Austria.
Here are 5 other ways semen can affect females, as suggested by science:
  1. Several studies have claimed semen can elevate mood, increase affection, induce sleep and also contain at least three antidepressants.
  2. Another study found there was a significant increase in pressure inside the uterus once semen arrived there after intercourse which, according to the team, may help transport the sperm to the oviduct – the tube that links the ovary to the uterus.
  3. According to another research conducted on fruit flies, it was shown that seminal fluid can affect how interested females are in other males and how many eggs they produce.
  4. Scientists at the University of Saskatchewan discovered that semen isn’t just vehicle for carrying sperm, but it also plays a crucial role in triggering ovulation - the protein in the sexual fluid acts as a hormonal signal on the female brain which triggers the release of other hormones that signal the ovaries to release an egg.
  5. A controversial study by the State University of New York claimed that women who had regular unprotected sex were less depressed and performed better on cognitive tests

HEALTH- 'Drink coffee in moderation' - Nutritionist urges

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of "berries" from the Coffea plant. Coffee plants are cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the AmericasSoutheast AsiaIndia and Africa. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded arabica, and the less sophisticated but stronger and more hardy robusta.

Nigerians have been urged to consume coffee in moderation owing to its potential health risks.
The warning was issued by Yemisi Olowookere, a Nutritionist at the Garki Hospital, Abuja.
According to her, while a small amount of caffeine may have positive effects like boosting energy and alertness, it could also have adverse negative effects.
Said Olowookere,
“If you have moderate to high levels of caffeine, you can build up a tolerance. This means you will need more caffeine to give you the same effects. Also, if you have a high caffeine level, you may feel withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, anxiety and irritability if you stop having caffeine."
She also said "in large amounts, it can make you feel nervous, restless and make sleeping well harder"
She added that caffeine was a stimulant that worked on the brain and the nervous system, adding that caffeine could affect people differently depending on the amount of intake.
She however said the real issue for coffee drinkers was in the case of people who have trouble sleeping, these people she said need to cut down their coffee intake.
According to her,
"If one is agitated or a person has high blood pressure, it is advisable to cut back on caffeine intake. If an individual is stressed or has symptoms that can be related to caffeine, then maybe such an individual needs to reduce intake"
She also said people should not be deceived by decaffeinated drinks, saying they could be just as bad as caffeinated drinks.
“Depending on how much you consume in a day, you can end up consuming more caffeine from decaffeinated drinks than you would in one cup of coffee" she said.
Olowookere explained that one could not know the exact level of caffeine consumed per day but one should put a limit on the total amount of caffeinated and decaffeinated products consumed.
She recommended drinking 8 ounces of water instead of coffee as this  will counteract the desire for other less healthy beverages

Tuesday 21 July 2015



Sunday the 19th of July The university of Benin lost one of her own to a van  driven by a military man along the Benin-Lagos express way.

 The Sunday that started like any other with students getting dressed for service, had a little difference because it was within the celebration Id-El-Fitr. the Sunday however ended in  a bitter memory as 2 girls Who were crossing the Benin-Lagos express way (MAINGATE)  at about 10:15am were knocked down.

  Sadly, one of the girls died in the hospital. The vehicle hit both girls and one of them landed very badly making her chances of survival very slim said an eye witness. the other girl was thrown into a nearby waterlogged area and the man, an eye witness said, ran out of the vehicle to pull the other girl out of the water before she was taken to the hospital for immediate treatment.
 Both girls are 200 level philosophy students of the Faculty of Arts University of Benin. and the girl who died was HALIM RITA AWELE.

   The SUG UNIBEN is going on a peaceful protest this morning to morn HALIM and to also ask the GOVERNMENT to take measures that will prevent this kind of tragedy in the future. speed breaks and probably a flyover might not b a bad idea.
                             may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. amen

Monday 20 July 2015


President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday arrived Washington DC on 4-day official visit to United States where he would discuss bilateral issues with President Barack Obama and other government officials.
The president, who arrived Joint Based Andrews Airport Washington, was received by the Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Linda Thomas-Greenfield and James Entwistle, U.S Ambassador to Nigeria.
Others at the airport to receive the president included the Nigerian Ambassador to the United States, Ade Adefuye, Nigerian embassy officials and governors of Borno, Nasarawa, Imo, Oyo and Edo.
Buhari and other guests will also be hosted to a dinner by Madeline Albright.
On Monday, the president had a breakfast meeting on governance hosted by the US Vice-President Joe Biden, before his meeting with Obama.
The main event of Buhari on Monday is his meeting with Obama.
NAN reports that the meeting, slated for 11 a.m. local time (about 5 p.m. Nigerian time, is currently taking place at the Oval Office White House.

Other events on Monday include Media Chat with the Secretary of Commerce, ECOWAS Ambassadors in Washington, US Attorney General, Secretary of Treasury and a group of potential investors.

Buhari is also to be hosted to a dinner by the US Chamber of Commerce and Corporate Council.
On Tuesday, the president will have an interactive session with the media at 7 a.m. and later meet with officials of the World Health Organisation (WHO) on economic assistance programme for the North-East.
The president will meet with the president of the World Bank group as well as the representative of the Bill Gates Foundation.
He will also meet with the US Secretary of state John Kerry, Director of the CIA and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The president meeting with the class of 1980 US Army War College, where the president is an alumnus will also hold on Tuesday after which he will address a joint session of the Senate and House committees on foreign Affairs at the Capitol Hill.
Buhari will address Nigerian Youths in the United States at the Chancery as well as participate in a town hall meeting with Nigerians in Diaspora.
He will wrap up the visit with interactive session with the Nigerian media and the National Democratic Institute before departing for Nigeria on Wednesday.
Photo Credit: Bayo Omoboriowo/Premium Times

Sunday 19 July 2015


The South African government has reportedly returned the $15 million for arms procurement, back  to the Nigerian government.
You will recall that South African border authorities seized $9.3 million meant for the procurement of arms for the Nigerian military in September 2014, from two Nigerians and an Israeli who arrived the country in a private jet.  Also, South Africa seized another $5.7 million transferred by Societe D’Equipments Internationale of NIGERIA to South African arms company, Cerberus Risk Solutions.
According to Premium Times, the money has been returned to  Nigeria
The report states “the money was released as a result of some legal and diplomatic processes initiated by the former National Security Adviser which ensured that cash seized by the South African government during the cash for arms saga last year have been fully recovered by Nigeria.

Monday 13 July 2015


A Bomb explosion that would have taken the life of many Nigerians was averted by a security guard on sunday in pleatue state. The ECWA church which was filled with Worshiers had a bomb planted at the Entrance. The guard spoted, picked up and threw the bomb which exploded instantly.Although  no one was killed from the explosion, the guard sustained injuries on the leg and is currently being treated, a worshipper said.
     Another explosive device that was planted in the rest room of the church was discorverd by the  police anti bomb squard said another witness.
   The ECWA church in tudunwa is located near the federal secetariat in jos, jos north local goverment area of plateau state.
   Meanwile the police spokesman in pleatue, Abuh Emmanuel  confermed that no life was lost in the explosion  and that expersts were deployed to the scene To ascertain those who planted the explosive device, and possibly the manufacturers.
   This explosion occured just only after 1 week  after a similar explosion At a redeemed church in Yobe state, which unfortunately clamed many lives.